Tillig 17375 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17384 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17386 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17387 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17389 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17390 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17392 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17393 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17395 Refrigerator car "Heinekens Brouwerij Amsterdam" of the NS, Ep. III
Tillig 17394 Refrigerator car "Rotterdamsche koel- & Vrieshuizen" of the NS, Ep. II
Tillig 76656 Refrigerator car Brauerei Englisch Brunnen Elbing of the
Tillig 76627 Refrigerator car Felsenkeller Herford of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 17006 Refrigerator car FK of the BDZ Ep. III
Tillig 15324 Refrigerator car Iacqs of the CSD Ep. IV
Tillig 15323 Refrigerator car Iacrrs of the DR Ep. IV
Tillig 14696 Refrigerator car Ibbhlps 396 of the DB Ep. IV
Tillig 14697 Refrigerator car Ibbhss 8366 of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 15325 Refrigerator car La "Mrazirny" of the _SD, Ep. III
Tillig 76655 Refrigerator car Mahn & Ohlerich of the M.F.F.E. Ep. I
Tillig 17003 Refrigerator car Slr of the PKP Ep. III
Tillig 17004 Refrigerator car Tdhs of the ÖBB Ep. III
Tillig 17005 Refrigerator car Tnhs of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 14019 Refrigerator car “Läderach”
Tillig 76724 Service car of the DB Ep. IV