Tillig 18127 Container car Rgs 3910 of the DR loads with three different 20ft-containers, Ep. IV
Tillig 18112 Container car Rgs of the DR loaded with different contain
Tillig 18113 Container car Rgs of the RSCO (RO) with two container Ep.
Tillig 18128 Container car Rs of the DSB with two 20ft container, Ep. IV
Tillig 18120 Container car SBB
Tillig 18005 Container car Sdggmrs 744 BTS Kombiwaggon of the DB AG lo
Tillig 76670 Container car Sdggmrs 744 Kombiwaggon of the DB AG with o
Tillig 18006 Container car Sdggmrs of the ÖBB loaded with different co
Tillig 76671 Container car Sdggmrss 744 Ökombi of the ÖBB with one 40 c
Tillig 76638 Container car Sdggmrss Ökombi of the ÖBB with one 40 cont
Tillig 18003 Container car Sdggnos/Sdggmrs 739/744 Kombiwaggon of the
Tillig 18030 Container car Sggmrs 715 Kombiwaggon of the DB AG loaded
Tillig 18031 Container car Sggnos 715 Kombiwaggon of the DB AG loaded
Tillig 18118 Container car Sgss of the SBB Ep. V
Brawa 50309 Container car Uacs 946 DB
Tillig 7714 Container set three 20 container
Brawa 49813 Covered Freight Car "Brauerei Englisch Brunnen" DRG
Brawa 49840 Covered Freight Car "Ceskoslovenska Komise Cukerni v Praze" CSD
Brawa 49871 Covered Freight Car "Ganter Bier Freiburg" DB
Brawa 50460 Covered Freight Car "IFA W50" der DR
Brawa 49845 Covered Freight Car "Persil" DRG
Brawa 47993 Covered Freight Car (Mosw) Mso DR
Brawa 49846 Covered Freight Car ãSchutzenberger" SNCF
Brawa 49843 Covered Freight Car B SNCB