Busch 31417 Two-Way Tipping Wagon
Busch 31418 Two-Way Tipping Wagon
Busch 32001 Van Pwi 93 Drg
Busch 32000 Van Pwi-93 Dr
Busch 12290 Wagon for tools
Busch 12221 Wagon with timber load
Busch 31408 White Two-side dump truck Fakks
Busch 31409 White Two-side dump truck Fakks
Busch 31410 Wiebe Two-Way Tipping Wagon
Busch 31411 Wiebe Two-Way Tipping Wagon
Tillig 76734 Wine barrel car "Deutsch-Koloniale Gerb- und Farbstoff Gesellschaft Karlsruhe" of the BadStB, Ep. I
Tillig 76735 Wine barrel car "Waggonleihanstalt R. Metzger, Wien" of the ÖBB, Ep. III
Tillig 76733 Wine barrel car "Weinwagen Metzger Berlin" of the KWStB, Ep. I
Tillig 76790 Wine Barrel Car C. Auguste Egli & Cie. Of The SBB, Ep III
Tillig 76659 Wine barrel car Henry Ramonatxo of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 76660 Wine barrel car J. Conversy Geneve of the SBB Ep. II
Tillig 14113 Wine barrel car Metzger
Tillig 76763 Wine Barrel Car O. Frey & Cie. Weinimporte Of The SBB, Ep III
Tillig 76631 Wine barrel car R. Metzger of the ÖBB Ep. IV
Tillig 76762 Wine Barrel Car SBB
Tillig 76791 Wine barrel car Vintransport SA Geneve of the SBB Ep III
Tillig 76629 Wine barrel car Weinfasswaggon Vermietung C. Schlamp of t
Tillig 77014 Wine barrel car “Scaler & Cie.” of the SBB
Busch 12230 Wood planked Box car