BLOCKsignalling ASP2A Light Aspect Controller Common Anode

BLOCKsignalling ASP2A Light Aspect Controller Common Anode

  • £15.50
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BLOCKsignalling Light Signal Controller with Infra-Red Trigger (ASP2A) Easily connected to 2-, 3- or 4- aspect common-anode signals. Signal is normally at green. When triggered by the infra-red detector placed below the track, the signal changes to red. Automatically returns to green after a delay (adjustable), via yellow and double yellow aspect if appropriate. Now upgraded with the following bonus features: 1. Fading aspects to mimic filament lamps. 2. Wider input voltage range of 8V to 25V DC, 10V to 16V AC, or can be powered from a DCC feed (was previously 12V DC only). 3. If a train passes when signal is at yellow, or double yellow, the module triggers back to red. Download full documentation from: