BLOCKsignalling 513N Golden Valley Hobbies GV7513N N Scale Grey Granite Ballasting Set
Upgraded - now includes the GVH Quick Ballaster. All the items in one pack to get you started in Ballasting your railway. This pack contains: Busch 7513 N scale Grey Granite mixed colours stone ballast. Bag weight 230g. Enough for several meters of track. GVH Quick Ballaster (kit) - allowing you to place the ballast accurately between the rails and along either side. Busch Special Ballast Glue - formulated especially for ballasting. Dilute enough to spread between stone, strong enough to hold in place. Bottle comes with fine application nozzle. 125ml Busch Pipette - All the control you need to apply the glue at the right spot every time. Additional Ballast and Glue/Pipettes are available from us under the following product codes: BUS7513 N scale Grey Granite Ballast 230g BUS7593 125ml of Ballast glue and pipette.