Busch 1690 Cyber Clean 80g Model and Hobby Formula

Busch 1690 Cyber Clean 80g Model and Hobby Formula

  • £6.10


The high-tech cleaning compound! Dirt absorbing High-Tech cleaning material Ideal for cleaning models, collectors items, etc. Removes dirt and dust and eliminates 99.999% of bacteria* Cleans every nook and cranny of model surface Removes grime from tracks and improves the current pick-up Leaves no deposit behind Universal application. Do not rub, just press carefully! Model Cleaner - neat and simple to use: Just simply roll over, or press gently and the dirt is gone! Gently dab on delicate parts! Just give it a try: Simply press or roll over the surface (do not wipe!). The dirt and dust will easily be absorbed and locked in. A membrane in the Cyber Clean itself will not allow the dust to be re-deposited elsewhere. Bugs and germs are also removed at the same time (disinfection action). The perfect way to clean any model: Cyber Clean moulds itself into every nook, cranny and crevice of the model surface and sucks the dust and dirt away. In comparison to cleaning with a brush or cloth, the dirt is not brushed off, but simply absorbed into the mass of the material. This makes it the ideal way to clean roofs of model houses, streets, etc. Suitable for all surfaces: Cyber Clean leaves no deposit behind, which makes it suitable for use on any surface, whether its wood, plastic or cardboard, for example the latest generation of laser-cut models. Cyber Clean contains alcohol, which will remove grime from tracks or slot-car raceways enhancing the current pick-up. Cyber Clean is also handy for cleaning keyboards (computers, mobiles, etc.), electrical equipment (CD player, etc.), air ventilation grills (car dashboards), leaves on plants and other toys. Important to know: Cyber Clean is usable many times until it is full up (compare the colour scale on the packing). Cyber Clean can dry out if left in the open air. Therefore after use, store it in the re-sealable packing. Cyber Clean is not a fleck remover. Before using on valuable products, try it out first on a part which will not be seen. Cyber Clean is made of environmentally friendly material and is biologically degradable. In principle, Cyber Clean is not harmful, however, it is not a toy and, like all cleaning products, should be kept away from access by children. Cyber Clean Model Cleaner is exclusively produced for Busch. 80g sachet size packet * Tested after EN 1040, EN 1275 & EN 13697. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans (99.999%) & Aspergillus niger (99%).