Kibri 38339 H0 Cube house Lina with terrace
Busch 1853 Burnt log cabin
Kibri 38843 H0 Cottage grove school with LED lighting
Kibri 34103 H0 tunnel portal 1-track
Vollmer 43871 L‘Amore Nightclub with LED lighting
Vollmer 43864 HO chicken house BIOmaterials
Vollmer 45640 Workshop with plaster/timber-framed facade
Busch 1961 Gym
Busch 1960 Glass building
Kibri 39848 HO Colliery office building with workshop
Kibri 38335 H0 Cube house Julia under cunstruction
Kibri 39256 Modern Maintenance hangar
Kibri 38179 Bus stop with flat roof
Kibri 12508 H0 Station Altburg
Kibri 12507 H0 Hotel Ritter with city gate
Busch 1907 Weathered residential house
Busch 1904 Old craftsman house
Busch 1952 Old crossing keepers hut
Busch 1933 Watchtower BT 9
Busch 1950 Train station
Busch 1932 Military obstacle course
Busch 1987 Vaccination centre
Busch 1934 Watchtower BT 4x4 and command post.
Busch 1931 Military Checkpoint