Golden Valley Hobbies BN Golden Valley Hobbies GVQBN N/OO9 Scale Quick Ballaster
The Quick Ballaster TM is the only tool required to both apply ballast to the track, forms a realistic ballast shoulder along the track edge AND ensures the track sleepers are all swept clean. It means these three tasks now take mere seconds – letting the modeller glue his ballast straight away. The Quick Ballaster TM is available in all popular track gauges – with versions available for the popular OO and N scale, but also all other commercial track gauges from Z to G. Supplied flat packed, with simple instructions to assemble and get working in a few moments. We recommend a liquid poly type glue (not supplied) to make the assembly permanent The Quick Ballaster name is Trade Marked. Both the Quick Ballaster and Dougal Ballast Smoother and proudly manufactured in the UK.