Tillig 5924 05924 Freight car set of the DR with two open cars OO, Ep. III
Tillig 5922 05922 Open car OO of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 5921 Freight car set of the DRwith two open cars OO Ep. IV NE
Tillig 5919 HOe Turntable wagon of the DR
Tillig 5918 Pair of cradle cars of the DRwith load Ep. III
Tillig 5913 HOe Stake car Rw the DR
Tillig 3971 HOe Vans of the HSB
Tillig 3970 HOe Vans of the DR
Tillig 3963 H0e Vans KBD4i the DR
Tillig 3961 HOe Vans KBD of the HSB
Tillig 18503 Tank car Zakk-w of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 18502 Tank car RTI
Tillig 18501 Tank car WASCOSA
Tillig 18500 Tank Car GATX
Tillig 18462 Tank car Zacns of the ATIR-RAIL (CZ), Ep. VI
Tillig 18461 Tank car Zas of the SLOVVAGON a.s. (SK), Ep.VI
Tillig 18402 Tank car DR
Tillig 18401 Tank car Zzah of the DR Ep. IV
Tillig 18255 Silo car of the ERMEWA Ep. V
Tillig 18254 Silo car of the GATX Ep. VI
Tillig 18253 Silo car Nescafe Ep. VI
Tillig 18250 Silo car Uacs TRANSCEREALES/C.T.C. of the ÖBB Ep. IV
Tillig 1820 01820 Freight car set of the VTG AG with three silo cars, Ep. VI
Tillig 1819 01819 Freight car set of the DB AG with two swing roof cars Tads-z 958, wheathered, Ep. VI