Tillig 77025 Tank car Zek of the CSD
Tillig 77024 Tank car Rt SPOLCHEMIE of the CSD
Tillig 77023 Tank car KVG of the DB AG
Tillig 77022 Tank car Zas 7858 of the DR
Tillig 77021 Car for transport f?r limestone SKW Trostberg of the DB
Tillig 77020 Car for transport of timestone of the Bayrische Stickstoff-Werke AG of the DRG
Tillig 77019 Acid tank car Unterharzer Berg- und H?ttenwerke GmbH of the DRG
Tillig 77017 Tank car Lumina A.G. of the SBB
Tillig 77016 Tank car Rmf of the BDZ
Tillig 77015 Tank car F. ThOrl?s Vereinigte Oelwerke of the DRG
Tillig 77012 Acid pot car Farbwerke HOchst a. Rhein of the K.P.E.V.
Tillig 74989 1st 2nd class sleeping coach type Y of the SZD
Tillig 74988 1st 2nd class sleeping coach type Y of the CFR
Tillig 74987 1st 2nd class sleeping coach type Y of the ZSSK
Tillig 74986 2nd class couchette coach type Y B70 of the CFR
Tillig 74984 2nd class passenger coach type Y B70 of the ZSSK
Tillig 74983 1st 2nd class passenger coach type Y B70 of the ZSSK
Tillig 74979 2nd class passenger coach Bmh type Halberstadt of the DR
Tillig 74978 Dining car WRduu WARS type Halberstadt of the PKP
Tillig 74976 Dining car WRm of the DR
Tillig 74975 2nd class passenger coach Bom 280.1 type Halberstadt of the DB AG
Tillig 74974 1st 2nd class passenger coach ABom 222.1 type Halberstadt of the DB AG
Tillig 74969 Trailer car VB 140 of the DR
Tillig 74966 3rd class passenger coach Ci-33 of the DRG