Tillig 01087 Passenger coach set “Nord-Ostsee-Bahn"
Tillig 01086 Passenger coach set „Salonwagenzug 5“ of the DR
Tillig 01085 Passenger coach set “Preußischer Schnellzug” of the K.P.E.V.
Tillig 01084 Passenger coach set “D 118 Leipzig-Köln” of the DR
Tillig 01073 Passenger coach set of the DB with two 2nd class passenger coaches
Tillig 01072 Passenger coach set of the DB with one 1st/2nd class passenger coach and one 2nd class
Tillig 01070 Passenger coach set “Preußischer Schnellzug” of the K.P.E.V. with one baggage car, one
Tillig 01069 Passenger coach set “D 118 Leipzig-Köln” of the DR with three passenger coaches, part 2
Tillig 01065 Passenger coach set of the SRI with two 2nd class double-deck coach DBz750
Tillig 01064 Passenger coach set of the SRI with one double-deck driving cab coach DBzf 761 and one
Tillig 01063 1063 Passenger coach set of the DB AG with two passenger coaches Ep V
Tillig 01051 Passenger coach set of the DB with two passenger coaches Ep IV
Tillig 01012 Set ?Loktransport? of the Rail Adventure with two sliding wall box car Habfis, one Vect
Tillig 01003 Passenger coach set Salonwagenzug 4 of the DR, with three passenger coaches, Ep. IV
Busch 34103 Passenger Car »Langenschwalbacher«
Busch 34102 Passenger Car »Langenschwalbacher«
Busch 34101 Passenger Car »Langenschwalbacher«
Tillig 502125 Rola-Begleitwagen Bcm Bauart Halberstadt Of The OBB Ep V
Tillig 501996 2nd Class Passenger Coach Bomz, Type Halberstadt, Of The DR, Ep. V
Tillig 502124 2nd Class Passenger Coach Bom 2801 Type Halberstadt Of The DB AG Ep V
Tillig 502123 1st2nd Class Passenger Coach Abom 2221 Type Halberstadt Of The DB AG Ep V
Tillig 16945 2nd Class Passenger Coach Bue 366 Of The DB, Ep. IV
Tillig 16928 1st2nd Class Passenger Coach Abhxz Of The PKP Ep III
Tillig 16903 1st Class Passenger Coach Ahxz Of The PKP, Ep III