Tillig 1677 Freight car set of the DB AG with three different open ca
Tillig 16201 Measuring car Dienst mh 327
Tillig 15838 Sliding cover box car
Tillig 15837 Sliding wall box car Habbikks tt 346 of the DB Ep. IV
Tillig 15813 Sliding cover box car Habins of the SNCB Cargo / Nordwaggon, Ep. V
Tillig 15812 Sliding cover box car Habbillns of the DSB, Ep. V
Tillig 15811 Sliding cover box car
Tillig 15810 Sliding wall box car Habbins of the PKP Ep. V
Tillig 15808 Sliding wall box car Habbillns of the Railion NL Ep. VI
Tillig 15807 Sliding wall box car Tela of the SBB Ep. VI
Tillig 15749 Open car
Tillig 15748 Sliding cover box car Rilns of the SBB Ep. V
Tillig 15722 Sliding roof car Tamns 893 of the DB AG, Ep. V
Tillig 15721 Sliding roof car Tamns 893 of the DB, Ep. IV
Tillig 15720 Open car
Tillig 15713 Open car Ealos of the FS, Ep. V
Tillig 15712 Open car Ealos-x 053 of the DB AG, Ep. VI
Tillig 15711 Open car
Tillig 15710 Open car
Tillig 15697 Open car Eanos-x 052 of the DB Cargo, Ep. V
Tillig 15694 Open car Eanos of the ÖBB, Ep. VI
Tillig 15693 Open car Eanos of the ZSSK Cargo, Ep. VI
Tillig 15692 Open car Eanos of the PKP Cargo, Ep. VI
Tillig 15691 Open car Eanos of the AAE Cargo, Ep. VI