Tillig 4595 04595 Diesel locomotive V 100 001 of the Nordic Rail Service GmbH, Ep. V
Tillig 4594 04594 Diesel locomotive 203 302-5 of the DB Netz Instandsetzung, Ep. V
Tillig 4593 Diesel locomotive class 110 of the DR Ep. IV
Tillig 4592 Diesel locomotive V 100 029 of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 4591 Diesel locomotive class 745 of the METRANS (CZ) Ep. VI
Tillig 4590 Diesel locomotive V100 of the SETG Ep. VI
Tillig 4538 Diesel locomotive TMY 106 Great Northern of the TAG Ep. V
Tillig 4470 04470 Electric locomotive class 189 of the DB Cargo, Ep. VI
Tillig 4426 04426 Electric locomotive class 144 of the DB, Ep. IV
Tillig 4424 04424 TT Electric locomotive DRG
Tillig 4423 Electric locomotive class E 44 of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 4422 Electric locomotive class E 44 of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 4421 Electric locomotive class E 44 of the DR Ep. IV
Tillig 4420 Electric locomotive class E 44 of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 4419 04419 Electric locomotive 254 052-4 of the Leipziger Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft mbH, Ep. VI
Tillig 4418 04418 Electric locomotive class 254 of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 4417 04417 Electric locomotive class 94 of the DRG in photo colouring, Ep. II
Tillig 4416 04416 TT Electric locomotive Mittelweserbahn
Tillig 4415 04415 TT Electric locomotive ÖBB
Tillig 4414 04414 TT Electric locomotive DB
Tillig 4413 Electric locomotive Rh 1020 of the ÖBB Ep. III
Tillig 4412 Electric locomotive class E 94 of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 4411 Electric locomotive class E 94 of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 4410 Electric locomotive class E 94 of the DRG Ep. II