Tillig 17365 Refrigerator car
Tillig 17364 Box car
Tillig 17363 Box car
Tillig 17362 Box car
Tillig 17361 Box car
Tillig 17360 Box car
Tillig 1736 Freight car set of the PKP with three hopper cars WWyah w
Tillig 17359 Box car
Tillig 17358 Box car
Tillig 17357 Box car Glkm 191 of the DB Ep. IV
Tillig 17356 Box car Glkm of the DR Ep. IV
Tillig 17355 Box car G 10 of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 17354 Box car Tf Seefische of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 17353 Box car Gg of the CSD Ep. II
Tillig 17352 Box car G Munchen of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 17351 Box car Nm of the K.P.E.V. Ep. I
Tillig 17350 Box car G of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 1735 TT Freight car set "Erzzug 2" of the DB
Tillig 17341 Mail waggon of the Deutschen Reichspost, Ep. II --
Tillig 17312 Tank car Udh "VEB Zellstoffwerke Wittenberge" of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 17311 Tank car
Tillig 17310 TT Tank wagon SCwf "Simotra", hired by the SNCF
Tillig 17309 Tank car "Gutehoffnungshütte" of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 17308 Tank car Rbh of the PKP Ep. III