Unimat UMT83000 Unimat Classic
The Unimat Classic is a bench top wood lathe, sander, milling machine, metal lathe, bench drill, and jigsaw all in one! Manufactured to a very high standard in Austria.
- Horizontal & vertical mill the included fittings allow horizontal & vertical milling in woods, plastics, metals & many other materials. a HSS milling cutter is included, but you can use virtually any commercially available milling cutters up to a fixing diameter of 6mm.
- Metal turning lathe turn soft metals like a professional toolmaker. longitudinal & cross slides with mm scaled hand wheels allow for precise work to an accuracy of 0.03mm! built with the same quality components as an expensive lathe, the Unimat 1 allows the user to produce fine items such as axles, gears, couplings rims and pulleys.
- Wood turning lathe enables elaborate pieces to be produced in a wide variety of woods. with a distance between centres of 135mm (which can be expanded to 324mm) and a maximum centre height of 25mm (extendable to 50mm with an optional part) the wood lathe can smoothly turn a wide range of parts.
- The powerful jigsaw can be used with plywood, balsa, plastics and thin sheets of soft metal. It has a cutting capacity of 12mm in ply and 7mm in solid timber such as obechi. ideal for fretwork, cutting out windows and doors, priming of pcb's etc, etc. The jigsaw uses very short strokes for precise cutting - but it only vibrates so it won't cut you even if your finger is pushed against the blade!
- Sander the sanding disc provides the perfect finish to your parts after cutting and shaping. The sander can also be detached for hand held use.
- Hand held / bench drill using 3 precision slides, 2 of which can rotate through 360 degrees, the bench drill is capable of precise drilling at every conceivable angle! the drill unit can also be removed for hand held use.
240volt* to 12 volt transformer is included! *if you are in the usa you will need to purchase a 110volt to 12volt transformer.
The set includes comprehensive instructions and a dvd!
5 year warranty!* (*excludes parts subject to normal wear and tear)
Winner of multiple awards!
...and that's not all! the Unimat Classic is just the start of your home workshop - there are many optional accessories to expand the system even further!