Tillig 76622 Tank car Benzin Benzol Verband of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 76704 Tank car Betriebsstoffhauptlager Dresden of the DRG Ep. I
Tillig 76705 Tank car Bolte & Co. KG of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 95841 Tank car BP of the DSB Ep. III
Tillig 17403 Tank car Brandt of the DB Ep. IV
Tillig 17431 Tank Car CSD
Tillig 95845 Tank car Dansk Sojakagefabrik of the DSB Ep. III
Tillig 76610 Tank car DEA of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 95848 Tank car DEROP of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 18402 Tank car DR
Tillig 95839 Tank car EVA of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 76623 Tank car GASOLIN of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 17432 Tank Car GATX
Tillig 18500 Tank Car GATX
Tillig 76680 Tank car H. Th. Böhme AG of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 76701 Tank car Inspektion of the Kraftfahrtruppen of the KsächsStsEB
Tillig 76702 Tank car Jaques Paucker Bukarest of the KsächsStsEB
Tillig 17303 Tank car Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven of the DRG Ep.
Tillig 76641 Tank car Mineralöl-Industrie-Gesell. Wien Trzebina of the
Tillig 95856 Tank car Mineralöl-Industrie-Gesellschaft Wien-Trzebinia of the K.P.E.V., Ep. I
Tillig 95849 Tank car MONOPOLIN of the Reichskraftsprit GmbH of the DR
Tillig 76644 Tank car Mvd FERT & Co. of the FS Ep. III
Tillig 95855 Tank car Mvd FERT & Co. of the FS Ep. III
Tillig 76643 Tank car Naphta Industrie Gesellschaft Gebr. Nobel of the