Tillig 95852 Tank car Neusser Ölwerke AG of the DB Ep. III
Tillig 15484 Tank car Nordwaggon of the SJ Ep. IV
Tillig 76624 Tank car of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76673 Tank car of the DR Ep. III
Tillig 17306 Tank car of the DR for the transport of edible oils Ep.
Tillig 76537 Tank car of the HSB (Harzer Schmalspurbahnen) Ep. VI
Tillig 14972 Tank car of the On Rail GmbH Ep. VI
Tillig 76648 Tank car of the RYKO PLUS s.r.o. Ep. VI
Tillig 76672 Tank car Ölwerke Julius Schindler of the DRG Ep. II
Tillig 76713 Tank car R BENZINOL of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76531 Tank car R MLEKO of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76533 Tank car R of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76689 Tank car R of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76714 Tank car R SKLAD OLEJU Ep. V
Tillig 17308 Tank car Rbh of the PKP Ep. III
Tillig 76681 Tank car Rfu of the MAV Ep. III
Tillig 95850 Tank car Rfu of the MAV Ep. III
Tillig 76708 Tank car Rh of the PKP Ep. III
Tillig 76679 Tank car Rositzer Zucker Raffinerie of the KsächsStsEB
Tillig 18502 Tank car RTI
Tillig 76682 Tank car Ruckdeschel & Noack of the K.Bay.Sts.B. Ep. I
Tillig 95853 Tank car SCw Marcel Millet of the SNCF Ep. III
Tillig 76654 Tank car SCwf SIMOTRA of the SNCF Ep. III
Tillig 95854 Tank car SCwf Simotra of the SNCF Ep. III