Brawa 49301 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] DRG
Brawa 49302 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] DRG
Brawa 49306 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] DSB
Brawa 49305 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] NS
Brawa 49309 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] ÖBB
Brawa 49308 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] SNCF
Brawa 49312 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] „Gesellschaft für chemische Industrie m.b.H Grevenbrück” DB
Brawa 49310 Acid Carrying Car Z [P] „VTG” DB
Brawa 49311 Acid Carrying Car Z „VEB Bitterfeld” DR
Brawa 49314 Acid Carrying Car Zik [7121] „VEB Ruhland” DR
Brawa 49313 Acid Carrying Car Zik [7121] „VEB Wolfen” DR
Brawa 49330 Acid Carrying Car Z[P] "Bosch" DB
Brawa 49328 Acid Carrying Car Z[P] ÖBB
Tillig 17442 Acid Pod Car Dt. Gold- Und Silberscheideanstalt Of The DRG, Ep. II
Tillig 17447 Acid pod car “Chemische Fabrik von Heyden", of the DRG
Tillig 17446 Acid pod car “Chemische Werke Biebrich a. Rhein” of the K.P.E.V.
Tillig 77012 Acid pot car Farbwerke HOchst a. Rhein of the K.P.E.V.
Tillig 76789 Acid Pot Car CIBA AG Of The SBB, Ep III
Tillig 76677 Acid pot car Donau Chemie AG Moosbierbaum of the DRG Ep.
Tillig 17443 Acid Pot Car Koepp & Co. Of The DB, Ep. III
Tillig 76663 Acid pot car of the DR of the VEB Elektrochemisches Kombi
Tillig 17444 Acid pot car P of the CIBA AG SBB Ep III
Tillig 76661 Acid pot car R of the CSD Ep. III
Tillig 76678 Acid pot car R. Koepp & Co. AG of the DB Ep. III