Kibri 38383 H0 Ballhausplatz House
The originals of the new Görlitzer Häuser are at home in the Saxonian rural areas. As is the case with the interesting town corner buildings by Kibri in HO scale the originals have been constructed during the second half of the previous century and show the typical attributes of the architectural style of the time. Facade design of previous epochs from the renaissance and barock were taken over and modified. The observer will notice these beautiful multi-level buildings immediately. The individual facade elements have been replicated to great detail in shape and colour and do not appear overladen at all. Like the front walls the rear walls have realistic windows enhanced by ornaments and architectural features and can be fully appreciated even at this small scale. Various types of facades provide a pleasant contrast. Different types of roofs with corners chimneys and dormer windows enliven the atmosphere even as models. Combined in an ensemble - also by adding other Kibri kits - one can create prototypical combinations on a model train layout.