Kibri 39825 H0 Brewery Feldschlösschen
The Kibri model was developed in allusion to the Feldschlösschen brewery in Rheinfeld. In the previously called poison hut that was converted to the brewery, the first beer was brewed at the end of the 19th century. The installation was continuously extended until the 1960-ties. The construction materials, two coloured brick and natural stone give the building a touch of a castle. No brewery looks like another. Although the basics of brewing beer are the same everywhere the type of installations and the methods may differ subject to the ideas of the brewer and the design options available at the time. Thus most breweries are now a mixture between old and new parts. Breweries were always built like towers in order to store the raw materials on top and to transport them step by step to lower levels when they were needed, until they arrived as the finshed product in the basement.